Sunday, January 20, 2013

My First Animoto

I had fun putting together some pictures of my class into an Animoto. It was actually very easy and sort of fun. The fun ended when I tried to embed the video to this blog. I actually had to watch a YouTube video on how to do it. I'm going to press publish and keep my fingers crossed.


  1. LOVE the animoto (especially the last slide)! It's always great to celebrate the FUN things we get to do with our students as classroom teachers! Are you planning on showing this to your students? I'm sure they would love it.

  2. Your class looks like fun. If they are anything like my students they are going to love seeing themselves online. Seems like this could be used as a motivational tool to get the kids to complete big tasks (to be photographed at completion)...

  3. And if you do show it to your students, be sure to tell us how they react.

  4. These were pictures from previous years classes. I did show my class this year and they enjoyed seeing their friends in the upper grades photos. They also asked why they did not do snack and share and use shaving cream to write sight words in? I used it like Stephanie said as, a motivational tool, if I see good behavior in the coming weeks we will do this also!
