Saturday, February 2, 2013

Animotos for Reading

I need to teach my first graders homonyms(multiple meaning words) next week and I want to try something new, so I thought about making an Animoto. It was a great idea if I do say so myself! It is difficult to describe homonyms using just words to six and seven year olds. Using  pictures is good, but having to print out multiple pictures takes time and also uses lots of printer ink. I can't wait to show this Animoto to my students and see their their reaction. I think they are going to love it. The catchy music and quick moving photos are sure to capture their attention. If it is as successful as I think it will be, I just might make an Animoto every week for vocabulary words.


  1. I love the idea of creating an Animoto to introduce vocabulary words for the week. I love this program and I've been trying to figure out how I can integrate it on a regular basis, especially since it is so engaging and motivating for the kids!

  2. This makes me want a smart board even MORE! I can't wait to take advantage of all of these resources. Animoto is so quick and easy, and as you said, offers great visuals to create more meaningful connections!

  3. I'm going to use Animoto to track snowfall totals from Storm Charlotte! It's so easy to use! Im doing it with my iPhone!
